Who is a phlegmatic: chronic malcontent or emotionally balanced logician?

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Who is a phlegmatic and what are the strengths and weakness of this temperament? Who are phlegmatics in childhood, relationships, career and health? Who makes the best partners for phlegmatics?
Phlegmatic girl ponders

Many people believe that the phlegmatic is a person who cares about nothing. Allegedly, they are languid, irresponsible, selfish and unresponsive to the emotions of others. But, how much of this is true? Are phlegmatics unfairly stereotyped?

How does a typical phlegmatic behave in different situations? How do they interact with other people? Read on.

Who is a phlegmatic?

The phlegmatic possesses a very balanced type of temperament, which is characterized by restraint, constancy and deliberateness of mental reactions. Such people are reliable, responsible and devoted. They are hearty and diligent workaholics.

Characteristics of phlegmatics

How to recognize the phlegmatic in a crowd. Phlegmatics have a slow sluggish gait, with barely noticeable gestures and facial expressions. They speak quietly, but clearly, with noticeable pauses, and with no emotional and intonational leaps. Often, phlegmatics are plump because they are not very physically active, but they love to eat well.

Are phlegmatics lazy? The phlegmatic’s slowness is not a desire to avoid work. They just appreciate their powers and energy and do not want to waste them on trivial matters. Here are some phlegmatic personality traits:

Despite their outward lethargy and lack of expressiveness, phlegmatics sometimes experience nervousness. But, severe stress for them is not an angry supervisor shouting, what would throw them off balance instead, would be moving into a new residence. A change in habits and environments is a serious problem for such people.

Phlegmatics endure stressful situations more easily than other types of temperament. However, in the most-emotionally heated cases, they “turn off” and stop reacting at all.

This type also tends to hang on to negative emotions. The phlegmatic holds in and keeps silent once-twice-thrice and even 10 times, but then “explodes.” A phlegmatic’s anger is very strong, crushing, and is hard to pacify. Fortunately, it’s not that easy to make phlegmatics lose their temper.

This quiz will help you determine what type of temperament you have.

Phlegmatics’ advantages


The phlegmatic is not the one who often changes their mind. They is more constant, which makes them loyal partners, friends and employees. You can rely on them.

The phlegmatic does not ask the question which cafe to choose for lunch or where to buy new clothes. They have several places that they visit all the time and they go to new areas only if the old ones do not suffice anymore. They always know what they want and do not waste energy on the things they considers unnecessary.

Brilliant intellect and self-control

Phlegmatic people are distinguished by particularly good concentration and perseverance. They can continuously perform monotonous work for hours and not get tired. They are characterized as methodical and systematic. This type likes to sort and compartmentalize things and excels at it.

Phlegmatics are excellent analysts. They are very intelligent and disciplined. They are good at working with a lot of information; deeply studying and analyzing it. These people are not superficial, and if they take on something, they perform it thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Great stress resistance

This type of temperament can disconnect from stress. However, they do not live in a world of fantasy nor escape reality. It’s just that they get the idea that being anxious is irrational and they redirect attention to what is really important.


No one appreciates quality as much as phlegmatic does. Every tiny thing is important to them. They check the results three times to make sure that there are no mistakes. However, when they finish a project, they do not return to it and do not reproach themselves by thinking they could have done something better.

Phlegmatics bring things to a conclusion; they are persistent — even stubborn — in achieving their goals. They have a huge reserve of patience, so they know how to wait.

Phlegmatics’ disadvantages


Phlegmatics are passive. Their life is average — boring because they have almost no ambitions. They seek comfort and may turn a blind eye which may be cause disarray to their status quo. They are apathetic and almost impossible to rile up.

The biggest problem is that phlegmatics are comfortable with their passivity. They see no reason to actively develop themselves, try new things or add variety to their daily routine. Because of this, they often lose the chance of a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

Bad adaptation

If the phlegmatic person is faced with a any changes, they fall into a stupor. It is difficult for them to switch between activities.

For example, if a phlegmatic is fired from their job, they will not immediately rush to look for a new one. At first, they will try to get used to the idea that they were fired and do not need to get up at a certain time or go to a specific place every day. Then, they will be in a state of procrastination for some time. In the end, the phlegmatic person will spend days or even weeks developing a plan of finding a new job. And … who knows when they will finally decide to act.


It is difficult for phlegmatics to build social connects. They are closed to others. If someone wants to get close with the phlegmatic, they will have to put a lot of effort into it.

The phlegmatic does not want to make new acquaintances and rarely deepens existing ones. They like solitude — to the point of self-isolation.

The phlegmatic child




The phlegmatic’s career

Due to inertia and lack of initiative, phlegmatic people rarely become leaders or directors. They are most comfortable in the role of performers. In work that require perseverance and attentiveness, phlegmatic people are ideal candidates.

These workers deliver projects on time, rarely make mistakes and are never late. They are responsible professionals who prefer to work only within their specialty.

Phlegmatics work slowly but qualitatively. It is better not to entrust them with team tasks, especially those that are related to communication. Solo work is their strength. It takes a lot of time for them to learn new information, but they remember it for years. Ideal phlegmatic professions programmer, scientist, financier, jeweler, driver, etc.

Phlegmatics and relationships

In love, the phlegmatic person is laconic; they prefer to prove their feelings by actions and not by words. However, one should not expect sweeping romantic and expensive gifts from them. They will express their feelings through practical gestures. For example, a man will be ready to do household chores instead of his spouse, and he will not brag about it. A woman can give a hand with her spouse’s work, analyze the database, write a report or sort documents.

The phlegmatic finds it difficult to get close to people, but is faithful and devoted to their loved ones. They rarely take a leadership position. Phlegmatics always choose by mind but not by heart. They value the following qualities in friends and partners:

The phlegmatic partner does not like to attend noisy parties or eat at expensive restaurants. They would prefer to spend the evening at home, watching a romantic comedy and sharing a bottle of good wine.

Both in friendship and in relationships, the phlegmatic is calm and stable and you rarely get a surprise from them. If they decide to buy a gift, it is chosen with great care.

Phlegmatic people do not like to lie, they are sincere and sometimes even too straightforward. But this quality has an advantage. Such people will never stab you in the back.

The phlegmatic’s health (psychosomatics)

The weakest part of the phlegmatic’s body is their stomach and they frequently are afflicted with from gastritis and gastric ulcers. Their metabolism is slow, so it takes longer for food to digest, causing intestinal problems.

Another problem is the phlegmatic’s propensity to obesity. Due to an inactive lifestyle, eating junk food or overeating, the phlegmatic quickly gains weight. Extra pounds cause diseases of other internal organs — the heart, liver, kidneys, etc. Blood pressure often is elevated as well.

If phlegmatics wants to be healthy, it is better for them to monitor their diet and physical activity. It is not necessary to train to the point of exhaustion. Even simple walking can help control weight. As for the other types of diseases, this temperament type is usually very resistant.

Phlegmatics with other types of temperaments


Calm sea. Two phlegmatics can be close colleagues since they equally value work and constancy. The same can be said about phlegmatics as friends. They exist at the same rhythm, do not compete with each other and do not fight for the role of leader.

However, phlegmatic colleagues often do not communicate after work. Two phlegmatics will become ideal friends if they are neighbors. If they live too far from each other, then most likely their acquaintance will quickly end.

A phlegmatic-phlegmatic romantic pairing is very rare. Neither of the partners makes an attempt to get close emotionally, that is why there is no serious relationship. The passivity of this couple turns spouses into just cohabitants.


Perspective union. A sanguine very often adapts to the nature of their partner, but they do not lose their energy. Thanks to this quality, they will be able to find an approach to the phlegmatic and positively influence them. Under the guidance of the sanguine partner, the phlegmatic personality becomes more open, active. The sanguine will also teach their friend or loved one how to enjoy life and pay attention to what is happening around them.

As colleagues, these two people may find common ground, but most likely their relationship will not become friendly. The reason is the contrasting qualities. Sanguine superficiality and phlegmatic obsessed focusing rarely get along well outside of marriage.


Emotional balance. In general, this is a peaceful union. The melancholic teaches their loved one to trust their feelings, or to notice them, at least. And, the phlegmatic will delve into the feelings but in their own style. They will analyze them. However, the melancholic more likely joins them.

Probably, in such a pair, the phlegmatic partner will be the leader, since they are stronger. Naturally, they will begin to choose smooth, proven life paths, so there will be no place for emotional leaps in such relationships. Although a lot depends on the melancholic.

These temperaments can get along with each other in the workplace or if they share common interests, but they rarely become friends.


The war of opposites. The relationship of the phlegmatic-choleric resembles a casino game. Either this is a jackpot, where partners find a compromise, or it is a complete failure with losses for both sides.

If everything is going well, then choleric makes the phlegmatic more active and decisive. They help their passive acquaintance improve their life and attitude towards their partner. All of this does not happen immediately. The phlegmatic gets used to the choleric partner’s habits for a long time and only then slowly adopts them. If the outcome is unfavorable, and neither of these two wants to yield, then quarrels begin. More precisely, the choleric begins them. The phlegmatic just keeps silent or sniffs loudly, and that annoys the choleric even more.

Such a union will be more successful if it is a romantic relationship and not friendship or a working partnership.

The true phlegmatic is not so serene as they seem at first. They also can sympathize, worry and be scared. The only difference is that they don’t make dramas out of problems. However, even the phlegmatic’s estrangement has its advantages. It is difficult to reach out to the phlegmatic person, but if it works out, it will be a firm marriage, friendship or business partnership.

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